Tuesday, June 10, 2008

12 Simple and Easy Eco Tips

1) Buy local and organic.  If your organic kiwi comes from Chile, then you are not a conscious consumer.  Though there are studies showing that organic foods retain more of their nutritional value than their non-organic counterparts, if you cannot get it local, find something else to buy.  

2) Look for concentrated products because they use less packaging. But also look for all-natural products in recyclable and/or biodegradable packaging.  If it is all-natural or organic, but does not come in environmentally sound packaging, move on to another product that does.

3) Switch your incandescent bulbs for CFL's (compact fluorescent light bulbs).  CFL's use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.  You will save an average of $30 per bulb.

4) Turn off the lights when you leave a room.  Also, turn off and/or unplug appliances that are not in use.  

5) Use reusable shopping bags whenever you go ANYWHERE. Grocery store, mall, wherever. The oil it takes to produce 14 plastic bags will power a car for a mile.  Plus, reusable bags are more study and comfortable.

6) Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth.  You will save on average of 25 gallons of water a month.  

7) Reduce the amount of time in the shower, and never turn the shower on and just let it run. Turn the water on only after you are in the shower.  

8) Use all-natural, earth-friendly cleaning products.  Better yet, use products that can serve many purposes in the home: 
  • Baking soda-You can use it as a deodorizer, to clean abrasive surfaces, to bake, and even to get rid of heartburn. 
  • Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps (liquid)-You can use it as a cleanser in the shower, or you can mix a little with some vinegar and water and clean your house with it. *This is real soap. Check out their website.  Dr. Bronner's rocks!
  • White Vinegar-You can use it to clean, to cook, and to make vinaigrettes.   
9) Turn your thermostat down in the Winter and up in the Summer. Turn it off when you are not home.

10) Calculate your carbon footprint.

11) Walk or ride a bike to work and to run errands, or use public transport if it is available.  If you have to drive, make sure you run your errands all at once and in an order that makes sense-for example, drive to the farthest place and work your way back home. Better yet, carpool with co-workers, friends and neighbors.  

12) Give away used clothes and any other unwanted and unused items around the house.  Or barter.  Or sell.  Try Goodwill, Freecycle, Craigslist, and Ebay.  Even your local church will likely accept used clothing. 


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