Monday, February 2, 2009

An American-made breakthrough in the solar energy industry

Arch Solar Command enables the solar energy industry to access cost-effective components that, until now, have not been readily available in the United States.

Arch Solar Command Unleashes the Power of the Sun


Ft. PierceFla.  -- (Feb. 2, 2009) -- Arch Aluminum and Glass has found a way to mass-produce its new proprietary mirroring technology for use in solar concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) cells.  Arch’s new technology, marketed under the name Arch Solar Command, enables the solar energy industry to access cost-effective components that, until now, have not been readily available in the United States. Arch Solar Command is the only company in the United States to offer solar energy fabricators, coupled with the ability to deliver large-scale orders.

Arch is currently one of the leading producers of mirrors in the US.  “We realized several years ago that mirroring technology had huge implications in developing solar power,” said Tony Lawson, director of solar operations for Arch.  “After significant investment in research and development, we developed a new way to silver and coat bent glass, which is extremely difficult to do.  Our mirrors optically focus sunlight onto a concentrator containing active solar cell materials that convert the intense light into electricity.  Once we had the scientific breakthrough, our next step was to make our process repeatable in a manufacturing environment.”   To accommodate its new technology, Arch converted a portion of its existing factory to produce the mirrors.

Arch President and CEO Leon Silverstein has long been committed to developing environmentally safe products.  Solar Command is no exception.  The paint backing for these techniques are lead free, which allows the company to mass produce environmentally friendly lead free mirrors capable of withstanding extreme temperatures. "We’re now positioned to play a role in accelerating the growth of the solar energy industry, while ensuring the sustainability of our products at the same time,” Silverstein stated.

Arch’s success has also helped the company maintain its workforce, and has enabled plant workers to learn sophisticated new technology.  “We’re proud that we’ve been able to leverage our expertise in mirroring to help not only our employees, but to keep jobs in our local community,” continued Silverstein.  “Our company is family owned, and our employees are our extended family.  We intend to keep it that way.”

The company also plans to keep its business “American-made.”  “Traditionally, Europe has lead the way in developing solar technology,” says Lawson.  Currently, most of the production for solar energy comes from China and other low-wage countries. The Arch Solar Command team plans to keep all research, development and production in the United States, and eventually will use its existing distribution network to transport its solar products throughout the United States. “Many companies entering the solar industry don’t have the ability to deliver goods efficiently and effectively,” says Max Perilstein, vice president of marketing.   “Our thirty one years of serving the building industry throughout the country means we have the infrastructure to ensure our customers receive their orders on time and intact.”

Arch Solar Command's efforts have generated interest globally from investors in technologies for solar collectors and concentrators for utility-scale power plants. The Solar Command division sells the solar mirrors directly to manufacturers of solar power generation equipment from its production line in Fort PierceFla.   The company is also looking to partner with companies who may want to license the manufacturing.

Arch Solar Command is headquartered in Ft. PierceFlorida and is a division of Arch Aluminum and Glass, one of the nation’s premier glass and aluminum fabricators.  Solar Command continues the legacy of innovation and environmental stewardship at Arch, which since the 1970s has manufactured and fabricated glazing and extruded aluminum systems for buildings while incrementally improving quality and finding cost-effective solutions for its customers.   For more information, visit or call the Solar Command "Sunshine Line" 1-866-629-ARCH.

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