Saturday, October 25, 2008

Eco News  provides a wallet-sized cheat sheet to take with you to the grocery store or farmers market, with a list of questions to ask about meat and dairy products.  provides a ready-to-send electronic form letter you can send to your elected officials and the FDA concerning food safety with the click of a button. and launched the Trade4Credit online program giving customers Sears store credit in exchange for unwanted electronics, including first generation Apple iPhones, digital cameras, digital camcorders, MP3 players, GPS systems, gaming systems, or any pre-owned electronics that are determined to still have value.  In addition, the Trade4Credit program offers participants free recycling and free shipping.

In praise of a vegetarian diet, or at least cutting back on meat consumption.  According to an article in E: The Environmental Magazine entitled "The Meat of the Matter"   
  • "If all the grain currently used to feed livestock in the US was consumed directly by people, the number who could be fed is nearly 800 million."
  • "The methane that cattle and their manure produce has a global warming effect equal to that of 33 million automobiles," the Center for Science in the Public Interest reports in its book Six Arguments for a Greener Diet
  • Raising livestock for human consumption occupies 26% of the ice- and water-free surface of the planet, and the area devoted to feed these animals amounts to 33% of arable land.
  • Livestock production consumes 8% of the world's water, causes 55% of land erosion and sediment, uses 37% of all pesticides, directly or indirectly results in 50% of all antibiotic use, and dumps a third of all nitrogen and phosphorous into our fresh water supplies.

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