Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tips for saving on winter energy costs

Believe it or not, these tips came from a bank e-mail newsletter.  I thought they were useful, and who doesn't want to save some money?  
  • Replacing or cleaning old furnace filters can reduce dust and save 5% in heating costs.
  • Opening up drapes and blinds on windows with a southern exposure lets the sun in, heating your home for free.
  • Fireplaces pull heated air out of your house so use it sparingly and be sure the damper is closed when it's not in use.
  • Moister air feels warmer, so by using a humidifier, you can set your thermostat lower to help you save money.
  • If you want to know if your doors have air leaks, there is an easy way to do it yourself--no expert needed.  Simply place a piece of paper between the door and frame and shut the door. If you can pull the paper out without tearing it, you should weather-strip around the door.
Here are some money-saving tips that I have learned from living in Chicago, which gets very cold in the winter.  
  • Always wear socks on your feet, especially if you have tile or hardwood floors.  Cold feet make you feel colder.
  • Put lots of blankets on the bed.  You are going to be asleep anyway, so why not pile on the blankets and turn the thermostat down.
  • Wear a robe/sweater around the house.  You wear more clothes outside when it is cold, so why not add an extra layer of warmth inside too.
  • Drink lots of warm beverages--hot cider, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, warm milk.  Keeping your insides warm will help you feel warmer.
  • If you live in an apartment, put plastic over your windows to keep the cold air out and the warm air in.
  • Live in an apartment/house that is just the right size for you. If you don't have a lot of empty space, your home will feel warmer with less heat. 
  • Get an apartment with radiator heat.  You will not be paying an enormous gas bill in the winter.   

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