Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Check the Code to Ensure That You Are Getting Organic Produce

I only learned this recently. Look at the stickers stuck on the produce.

9-If the PLU code has 5 digits beginning with a 9, then it is organic.
8-Genetically-engineered produce has 5 digits beginning with an 8. This is the only genetic engineering label in the US.
3 & 4-Conventially grown produce will only have a 4-digit PLU code.
Go here for a complete list of PLU codes.

I noticed my very first genetically-engineered produce today while I was shopping at Dominick's. They had grapes with a PLU code beginning with an 8.

Also, watch out for unlabeled produce. I predominantly shop at Whole Foods for my organic produce, and I have noticed that there will be conventional produce mixed in with a batch that is labeled organic on the sign posted above. Or there will not be a sticker on the produce at all. I want organic, so I am not going to buy otherwise. Paying attention to the PLU codes on the stickers is the best way to ensure you are getting what you paid for.

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