Monday, July 28, 2008

The Bush Administration Strikes Again

I wish I could say that nothing the Bush Administration does shocks me anymore.  But I cannot.  I admit it, I am still flabbergasted by the devious, underhanded, corrupt, double-dealing, country-crushing, soul-crushing deeds of the current Administration.  In fact, the mere thought of the havoc that those nuts are wreaking on this country, and the entire world, with their hair-brained, self-aggrandizing schemes, makes me want to throw up.  I want to be a role model to people with how I live my life-simply and sustainably and soulfully. I want to be a good person. I really do.  But Bush and his Administration is really pushing my limits.  

Here is the latest news from the AP about how the chief of staff of the pollution enforcement division of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) actually had the balls to send out a memo to his staff telling pollution enforcement officials not to talk with congressional investigators, reporters or even the agency's own inspector general. Read the full story here. That really sounds like a memo from someone who wants to hide something.  Or a lot of somethings-maybe a bunch of corporate polluters getting away with mucking up the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.  

This country needs to wake up!  There are no representatives for the people in Washington DC. The only people who get represented are the people with the most money to buy off the greatest number of politicians.  Washington DC does not give a damn about everyday, working class people.  We need to stand up and fight for ourselves now, or there is not going to be a world left to finally stand up and fight for when we finally decide to do what is right.

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