Wednesday, January 21, 2009

7 ways to get rid of unwanted CDs

I just saw this on Yahoo News.  It is from Planet Green's web site.  I thought that I would pass it along.  

7 Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted CDs

Now that music has gone digital how can we responsibly get rid of our CDs?

Josh Peterson

By Josh Peterson
Los Angeles, CA, USA | Tue Jan 20 11:00:00 EST 2009

cd recycling photo

José Luis Gutiérrez/iStock

Recently, a commenter asked how could he get rid of his old CDs? Luckily, Planet Green had an article about reusing CDs, but it didn't have an article about other ways to deal with them. Well, now it does.

Why is this Green?
By selling your unwanted CDs to resellers, you decrease demand for the CDs. Therefore, new copies of the Cds won't have to be produced as often and materials will be saved.

  1. Sell them Online
    Like DVDs, you can sell CDs and CashForCDs are just two of the many online buyers available.

  2. Trade/Sell Them at Your Local Record Store
    Make sure to call ahead before you traipse on down to the record store. If you have a bag full of Vanilla Ice, Insane Clown Posse, Ninety Eight Degrees, Kings X and Ratt, there is a good chance that they will not buy or trade these from you. Don't waste gas. Call ahead.

  3. Donate them to Charity
    You can donate CDs to the troops. You can donate CDs to public libraries. You can donate CDs to children's hospitals. You can also donate to the Goodwill or Salvation Army. Each of these places will provide you with a tax receipt.

  4. Organize a CD Swap Party
    Invite your friends over to trade albums that they don't want any more.

  5. Record Over Them
    If your disc is a CD-RW, you can record over the music that's on the disc as many times as you like. If your disc is a CD-R, you are kind of stuck with whatever is on the disc.

  6. Part II: Dealing With Bad Recordings, Broken Discs, Un-tradable Discs and CD-Rs Containing Yanni

  7. Recycle CDs
    The CD Recycling Center of America will take those CDs off of your hands and make sure that the materials get used again. Check out these further recycling tips from Treehugger's Eco-Geek.

  8. Use a Pear to Erase a CD-R?
    One guy thinks that he can make a CD-R rewritable by soaking it in pear juice. He made a video. It seems like a long shot, but I don't have the time or materials (a pear) to try this right now, so I'll add it to this list in the hope that maybe there is some truth to this or that science can be advanced in some way by the video.

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