Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Natural beauty with just one ingredient

Excerpted from Body + Soul magazine:

Sour cream: It can be used as a moisturizing face mask and gentle exfoliant.

Its lactic acid (an alpha-hydroxy acid) helps speed cell turnover, brightening dull complexions.  The natural fats restore skin’s moisture. 

Smooth 1-2 tablespoons of cool, full-fat sour cream in a thin layer over a clean face and neck with your fingertips.  Avoid your eye and lip area.  Remove the mask with a wet wash cloth after 7-10 minutes.  Then splash with warm water and pat dry.

Chamomile tea: It can be used as a calming compress. 

Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory, reducing redness and puffiness around the eyes.  It also soothes irritated complexions.

Place a clean washcloth in cool chamomile tea steeped to a golden yellow and let it soak. 

Apply it to the skin as a compress.  Rest on the area of puffiness for at least 10 minutes before rinsing and drying. 

Almond oil: It can be used as a hand moisturizer.

With its light texture and infusion of Vitamin E, almond oil quickly penetrates dry skin and protects hands and nails from environmental damage. 

Rub 1 teaspoon of oil into hands and cuticles, then place each hand in an old, clean sock and allow oil to penetrate for at least 5 minutes.  Wipe the excess oil off hands, but don’t rinse because the remaining oil will be absorbed over the next few minutes. 

Pineapple: It can be used as a foot rub. 

Bromelain, an enzyme present in the flesh of the pineapple, breaks down protein bonds and aids with the sloughing of dead skin cells.  It is especially good at softening the calloused skin on feet. 

Puree 1 cup of fresh pineapple in a blender or food processor until smooth.  With feet in a washbasin, massage the puree into soles, heels, and between toes.  After 7-10 minutes, rinse feet with warm water and dry. 

Kiwi: It can be used as a facial scrub. 

Its high Vitamin C levels fight free-radical damage and even out skin texture.  When scrubbed on the face, the seeds act as exfoliators, leaving skin smooth.

Peel and slice a ripe kiwi, and mash the flesh thoroughly with a fork.  With circular motions, work the paste onto damp, clean face, avoiding lip and eye areas.  After 30-60 seconds of scrubbing, rinse skin with warm water and pat dry.

Olive oil: It can be used as hair conditioner. 

Rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids, olive oil is great for moisturizing brittle and overstyled hair.

Comb several tablespoons of “light” olive oil through hair, working from roots to ends, before showering.  Then cover hair with a shower cap.  After showering for 5-7 minutes, remove the cap.  Shampoo, rinse, and condition as usual.      

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