Monday, July 21, 2008

Watch Al Gore's Energy Independence Speech

Al Gore gave a very impassioned speech last week about how the US needs to take on the challenges we face today-energy independence and climate change-head on and tackle them like we did when we put a man on the moon in the 1960's.  He issued his 10 year challenge.  And I, for one, would be proud of this country if we could take a stand and declare that we want to lead this world again and show them that we can reduce our impact on the climate and we can be energy independent, and we can do it if we work together. Join We Can Solve It today, and let your representatives in Congress know, let the current Administration know, let the candidates for President know that we as a people want to solve this crisis.  And take steps to reduce your own energy dependence and your own carbon footprint.            

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